Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Very few women can pull off anger in a tube top

Welcome to the age of un-innocence, where closing the deal and self-protection is paramount.
Cupid has flown the co-op.
How the hell did we get into this mess?

No one has Breakfast at Tiffanys, and no one has affairs to remember.

Instead, we have breakfast at 7am
and affairs we try to forget as soon as possible.

"Money is power. Sex is power. Therefore, getting money for sex, is simply an exchange of power..."
But where's the line between professional girlfriend, and just plain professional??

While women are certainly no strangers to faking it; we faked our hair colour, cup size...hell, we've even faked fur. I couldn't help but wonder: has fear of being alone suddenly raised the bar on faking? Are we faking entire relationships??  Is it better to fake it or be alone?

As I walked home, I wondered since when did being alone equivocate to being the modern-day Leper? Would restaurants soon be divided up into sections? 
Smoking, non-smoking, single, non-single... 

Every fibre in my 20-something being screamed GET OUT, YOU KNOW BETTER THEN THIS!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Good, the bad & the ego

I'm starting to see an emerging pattern. Okay, not starting but decided i have enough 'evidentiary support' to submit a case......thats right

n. Obsessive preoccupation with the self.

To the untrained soul, eye, mind or even ego, we can view people that have their head up their ass.
Luckily I've never been on the other side of this (to my knowledge!) but it seems there are people that take a sign that if you ask how they are going or send them two messages in one day, you must be mentally in love with them. It's kind of disturbing that society doesn't live in the calmer ways of talking to everybody and "how ya goin?" as the common way of life (if you're from Ringwood, Parkmore or Northcote areas..you'll understand) that people always read the wrong way into it. ALWAYS.

Although its mainly my guy friends that sook and complain about girls crazy over them, I try and point out how they aren't that bad. . . and that the man behaved in a certain way, to completely mislead someone. So they made a mistake, big deal. Everyone does. whats effing wrong with your ego?! Let it go! lol I speak on behalf of everyone, saying I really cant stand to her one more crap-ola reason for some "crazy" girl/exgf/2nd cousin/step sister/co-worker/porn star you once dated that you "dont have feelings for". And that she's a loony tune.


It's about to do my block in. If you're hurting or someone's rubbed you the wrong way then SURE tell me, or any other woman for that matter. But on behalf of us all with a VJ, we don't want to hear it. It's all too easy to go out there and get laid. Or action. Or flirt with somene. But it takes guts, a bit of work, sense of humour & reality. Not to mention humanity, to make someone stay. You should only be proud and boastful then.

If not, tuck your ego away and save it for a rainy day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Reasons why you might want to neck yourself

That's right. Neck yourself now

That is disgusting.
It brings a whole other level of being "desperate, dateless and dadless"... but its okay just INBREED. It's bad enough some people centuries ago had 6 toes or obviously had their gene problems repeated, doubled over and over by having babies with their 2nd cousins and the sort. But you're own father. SERIOUSLY, WHO'S YOUR DADDY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

It's so funny, he has his father's eyes..and his grandfather's eyes! Aww i can see the family resemblance! OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!
No wonder people think we're all bogans. This shit is what's being presented to the rest of the world. Inbreds? I coined the term inbred for people that date more then 2 people in the same friendship group. It disgusts me to think you want your own family.

SOZ, but I'm more then happy to get away from mine. Situations like this just makes me want to neck myself. faaaaaar out

Monday, April 13, 2009

Got to be Real

Time heals all wounds.
Over time you can change the colour of your hair, lose weight, gain weight, have a baby, get a better job, get married, break up with someone, lose a great friend, move out of home, meet someone that will change your perspective.

Sure - but can it change you?! Everyone would like to think that they're "better" after an amount of time, but I'm believing now that the only thing that changes is the surface level. Not that we can't learn and grow, but as a majority, generalised view......... nothing's changed. Except your fashion sense in the last 5 years. (Plaid = not in)

Maybe we're lost in translation. In the society we're in now - there are so many avenues for self expression and not only is it self-freeing, but it is WELCOMED and if you *DONT* express yourself... it might appear if you have NFI what you're doing. Self expression should be teamed with some azure coloured jeans and a white tee - it's the best outfit you'll have this decade.

So what happens when you run into your past? um put the gear in reverse and run over it again??? No...if only it was that easy. The past is great.. well.......except for that unrelenting feeling that you've made a mistake. But don't be scared, its no time for that. With a lifetime's preparation - don't give up just yet. The past is better left as the past; embrace it, enjoy it. But you can never go back. What's done is done. No matter what you think now.

Without a doubt, whatever has happened to us before, we can't erase, unless you live in denial. but even that vacation gets tiring. The future, if not present will most likely suffer because of your previous experiences.. It's unfair - but isn't that why the person you're with now is here to be with you? To put a band aid over your hurt? Kiss the boo boo's away??

Let them.

Don't push away someone who's looking you in the eye. and has the guts to do it
How often are you going to come across someone like that? Not often. But you know better right? It's going to end the same way? You don't have time for it... but what you're actually saying is "I dont have time for you, i dont have time to let myself be hurt again. so dont expect SHIT from me"

Even you know that you'll lose out. Because one day the person who's meant for you right now, will be walking away with someone else. And they won't stop to turn around for you, again. So go ahead, no regrets. No fears. Forgive the past but MOVE FORWARD, .....Don't write something off until it's happened.

Don't give up so easily. Someone, somewhere is waiting for you. Don't waste time deciding if you should, don't waste time without doing what you want. Waste time doing WHO YOU WANT! If you're living in the dark, then turn on the light & you'll know.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Pretentious & the Pig

It is not too often that we don’t judge someone when we hardly know them, or even take the time to listen to their side of the story. I decided to give a chance to this one man; you know, throw the dog an old bone. However it was not because I had been persuaded by an egotistical man, as every good woman knows that men like that are:

a) Trouble
b) Believe that in order to "obtain" women, they need to behave rudely
c) Think that a) and b) are acceptable behaviour

The risk I took was one I’d taken more then a few times and its not just men to blame here, its the whole idea or "strategy" that people do when it comes to ’dating’ or ’meeting people’. I knew I’d done a few random things in my time but it is doubtful we ever think of ourselves as crazy - but somehow that THE OTHER PERSON is who is the disfigured character.....but this is not entirely accurate because human behaviour fundamentally relies on blaming people.

.:. We cannot accept our own faults & our own misgivings, so blaming other people is deemed necessary.

Thanks to imprint learning, when it comes to meeting new people - we behave in the only way we know how, to either (or all) flight, fight or imitate what somebody has done to us in the past. After these "subliminal strategies" that we undertake, it is often a feeling of anger, regret, sadness, abondonement or even hate. Unfortunately, it also happens that as a general consenus, only one party feels this way and the other (seemingly) does not feel this. However this theory is also untrue. Some people "reject" other people in order to avoid confrontation - which is not only emotionally immature but also displays their lack of confidence.... If you’re reading this and it sounds familiar, in no way should you feel negatively, but remember that "dating" is not always easy, unless it involves two willing parties. I guess that’s why most of us just bang and leave.

Back to my story of a new man...or men..................
Essentially, all of them were doing my head in. Successful? Usually. Attractive? Always. Happy? Assume so. Suited to me? Not in the least. Or so I thought.
I soon realised that most people when coming across potential talent, they chose to not particularly be:

1. Emotionally involved (as always - typical behaviour of any/all people). Even on a low level
2. Maintain attraction to a person longer then 2 weeks
3. Put in equal effort into seeing or being with the people
4. Feel grateful
5. Enjoy the experience.

Many if not all of my good friends that managed to somehow keep up with my dating interest, all believed that I always "went for the same type of guys". I was pretty tired of hearing it and similar to every other person that has heard that phrase – it is more then a little annoying. The tiring, ambivalent explanations I had to give to defend for whoever was the current man, became tedious.

As I dived into the shallow-but-oh-so-tempting aqua blue water and touched the unexpected white sand on the bottom of the sea bed, I realised that diving head first was not the reason that so many women out there were making the mistake .... We weren’t swimming in the right sea. Some people love warm watered beaches, some people enjoy it nicely chilled and even the macho of all macho men love nothing better then an icy dip.

For maybe the seventh time in the last 2 months I sat opposing reality. I had a good time, most of the times I’d been out, but it didn’t feel the attraction for longer then a week. I also discovered that it was nearly impossible to force attraction for someone who simply did not have ‘it’. By going out with men who I thought would be good for me, who ticked every check-listed box on my score card, didn’t necessarily mean that sparks would fly.

When I looked up across the table in the expensive restaurant, I saw a man who’d tucked his serviette into his collar and made a mess like a four year old. Realizing that the situation was not the mans style, but the effort he’d put in was touching....I knew it was going to be another kiss-and-run episode for me...Unless..

Despite anybodies supposed ‘better judgement’ there felt as though something was there. Why? Because it was somebody that interested me, challenged me, inspired me? I was tired of "testing" and trying out my theories in order to be wiser for not only myself, but for every other person that was "dating" and never truly felt satisfied.

Everything that we doubted about dating - was a complete fabrication. And this was our downfall.
We could not simply approve a person we were dating, as they were, for more then a little while. We could not settle for their faults, and maybe we weren’t meant to. But when we did meet the person who *COULD* challenge, enthrall & inspire us then we should put in the effort...despite what we believe is the best method of dealing with people.

Cut the crap. Give people a chance, you have to be willing; not just to bang but to be a reasonably good person - to the person who you are with..because nobody deserves to be treatedly badly, no matter if their actions in the past suggest they are not worth it. This is when we’re meant to be LIVING our lives, not shying away from possibilities.

I knew that honour in dating wasn’t lost. We had forgotten to trust our feelings, and enjoy them at the same time.

- True story
March 2008

Meet and Greet: How To Beat the Cheat

A Saturday night like no other; spent working. as I spun around to help another customer who was friendly and sweet, I laughed as the man entertained me. Before leaving he whipped around and wrote down his number: not by my asking, or flirting, but off his own interest. When I came home I put the piece of paper away, deciding not to pursue anything for the better good, despite how attractive & charming he was.

2 weeks later, the same man appeared, smiling with wide eyes. He joked with another girl working with me, and as he walked away she told me what every woman expects to see coming:

"Yeah I know him! He's my best friends boyfriend. Yeah they've been together awhile. .....Why??????"

Smiling to myself I knew it was inevitable.

Later he came up to me and said, "Apparently I tried to pick you up last week...so where's my call?"

and, no joke I replied with these exact words: "So where's your girlfriend???".
And that was that. He scurried off and I have honestly to this day never seen someone more embarrased or shamed.

When the man came back at the end of the night, he was now accompanied by his Mrs, and she evil-eyed me like there was no tomorrow. Somehow, it was my fault. Except - I had never encouraged the guy. I didnt know of his attachment. Naturally she would be mad, but to blame me seemed out of the question.

This had me wondering: how many men behaved as though they were single? What happened if I HAD of called this guy? His girlfriend never would have known. Was it suddenly "acceptable" by men in today's age to do this? It seemed a good answer to the begging question of why so many of us have a 'once off'.

Shameful? Yes.

Unbelievably it was so common! I believed more investigating needed to be done...were we all lacking in morals that we couldn't stick to the one person? Sure it's difficult & if you CANT do it, then don't be in a relationship - as that is the soul purpose of being in a relationship. Don't tell an 18 year old virgin you're in love with her.....but grab 3 other girls at the same time, then lie about it when she's been told from the ACTUAL PEOPLE of whats happened. I couldn't help but laugh as the familiarity of the scent of an insecure, egotistical, unsure, emotionally abusive man(or men?) wafted over me as more then a few GIRLS and women alike wrote stories& explanations, just as I have right now, about the man (AND MEN) who have done this to them. Men aren't always to blame, because over time women have adapted this ideology, most likely because they have had the same thing done to them before.

It was all too familiar to Bill Clintons "Don't ask, don't tell policy" from 1993...if you didn't ask, you wouldn't know.

Nearly every person only concerned themselves, with themselves and never others. We're a society that views winning & losing; and nobody wants to lose. We all want to gain. Maybe we're greedy; maybe we can't keep ourselves to one person. Or maybe nobody reminded us of how narrow-minded we're being.
Sure we can selfishly ignore everything we've been taught. Or we can embrace "inner goodness". Have a snore,but acting like a shitcunt won't have people respect or like you. Dont think you need respect? Then you're the exact type of person I'm talking about.

May 2008
- Entirely true story, nothing fabricated